The Secret
What is slowing you down? Are you stuck? Spinning? Scared? Stale? When you’re one of those things, you are often so afraid, you bite your lip and keep problems inside. The secret to busting through these slow downs is by first bringing the issue to the surface. You simply cannot take action on something if […]
Repeaters Make Believers
Now for an incredibly annoying reality for any leader looking to build calm. Do you want to inspire a team? Then you have to repeat yourself. As Jim Collins likes to say, “The signature of a pedestrian company is persistent inconsistency.” That means your people are looking for signs that your team is all aligned. […]
Resolution Reboot
Quick update on my New Year’s resolutions. If this motivates you to get back on yours, well, that’s the point! For those who are new to my ‘weekly doses of courage,’ I like to set 3 resolutions for the year: one on mind, one on body, and one on spirit. MIND. I am 75,000 words […]
The Spider and the Crab
Once upon a time, there were two employees: The Spider and The Crab. The Spider, thanks to its spooling savviness, quickly rose up the corporate ladder. To hold its position, The Spider would often spin its political traps that others would walk into which kept many skeptical of the arachnid now high above its coworkers. […]
Whittle the Middle
The middle is never a good place to be. It’s even worse when it comes to business. The middle is where consensus seekers make compromises. The middle is where price wars (vs quality wins) ensue. The middle is where you land when you react to competition vs making competition react to you. So how can […]
Ever been to an Arcade Fire concert? These guys make an impact. Not only does each sing; but each rotates through their set riffing different instruments. Are you an NBA fan? Giannis Antetokounmpo makes an impact. Not only does Giannis average 28 points per game, but he’s dominant defensively as the reigning Defensive Player of […]
Persuasion Is Not Manipulation
Whether you are launching a new product or service, or evolving your brand with a worthwhile story, there are ways to rise above the noise so that your target audience can actually see and hear you. Gaining their attention, of course, is not enough. Once you have their attention, you have to persuade. When it […]
HBO Continues To Face Its Industry Fears
When you are a known entity in an established category, focused purely on protecting what you already have, you land yourself in a position where you could suffer from an industry blind spot. You may think you are untouchable, but you aren’t. None of us are. Many hotels are a good example. Hotel brands spend […]
Cannibalize Your Existing Business Stat
Let’s play a game. Imagine you are the chair of the board of family-owned Black & Decker. Just about every American in the country knows your company by name. You have a well-earned reputation for quality and durability with a brand-strength rating ranked near the top with Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, and NBC. You sell superior […]
Creativity in Business
What business am I in?—I’m in the creative-business business. Sadly, many business leaders don’t grasp how transformational creativity can be to their bottom line, while most creatives don’t have an understanding about how their special sauce can drastically impact business results. When it comes to creativity itself, I am on the record as suggesting, “courageous […]