Magic Is Misunderstood
This week, I ran into a LinkedIn post by an entrepreneur I respect who had written an article suggesting that creativity wasn’t magic and how this was a good thing. When Magic is your #2 corporate value, it’s safe to infer that I vehemently disagree with the above thesis. Magician Doug Henning used to say, […]
The Pursuit of Happiness: Past, Present, or Future?
I have a confession to make: I’ve enjoyed my last two years. I have to be careful saying this for all the reasons you can imagine. I want to be sensitive to those around me who have had a different experience—often quite personally—because of COVID. For me? On the home front, I was able to […]
Survival. Success. Soul.
Once upon a time, there was the younger version of you. The one who graduated from college. And who had interned here (or there). But “life after diploma” kick-started your business journey. In the early years, you didn’t get to choose much. You didn’t have the luxury of picking that first boss or company. You […]
Thoughts on Thought Leadership: Mixing “Feel” Leaders and “Do” Leaders with your “Thought” Leaders
Recently, I had the chance to address 30 global all-stars from Deloitte down in Houston. While there isn’t much I’m at liberty to reveal about our session, I will share one story about thought leadership I brought forward at the beginning of our time together. As you can imagine, this was an elite group better […]
Limiting Beliefs Limit Our Success
Limitation Nation Before Steven Spielberg was Steven Spielberg he was just Steven; a boy born in Cincinnati to an electrical engineer dad and a concert pianist mom. Because of Steven’s dad, they moved around a lot. After Ohio, there was New Jersey. Then Arizona. Finally, Northern California. All these new environments showed up in Steven’s […]
How Do You Eat An Elephant?
You know that adage, “How do you eat an elephant?” Do you have time to eat an elephant one bite at a time? I don’t think anyone has ever had enough energy or patience for this task on their own! You’ve got to take your time and bite-by-bite chew up this big old beast before […]
Rethink. Reimagine. Reinvent. Reneergize.
Believe in RE Some would say I’m in the courage business. Others might suggest the change business. While many still think I’m in the creative business. I have a different take on my end all product; I am smack in the thick of the RE business. There’s nothing more liberating than nailing your RE. What […]
SEE-Membering: People Remember What They See
I have a confession to make. I was back on the road, doing what I do, this week. And boy, it sure felt sweet to be in front of a live and lively audience. Throughout the course of my keynote, I sported 6-8 Courage bracelets. When people spoke up—which can be hard in front of […]
Mirrors are Mirrored
If you make someone feel special, they’ll make someone feel special. When someone doesn’t care about you, you rarely care about them. If you make people feel heard, they’ll make people feel heard. When you give off good energy, they’ll give off good energy. If you can’t let go of a POV, they won’t let […]
Why Your Why Is Not Enough
Your business is your culture. Your culture is your business. Can’t convince yourself that they are one and the same? Think it’s time to stop reading because this is just another quip about the importance of culture? Force yourself to read on. Frankly, we need new words for “corporate culture” because leaders who are losing […]