

Ryan Berman talks to thought leaders from around the globe in business, sports and entertainment to uncover what it means to be courageous in today's world.
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EP109 Chef David Burke - Author, Entrepreneur, & Award-Winning Chef

Chef David Burke – Author, Entrepreneur, & Award-Winning Chef

If you could have dinner with any four people, dead or alive, who would it be? Now what if you could make dinner for those four people? What would you serve up?

Episode Notes

On this episode, culinary master and TV personality Chef David Burke playfully shares his answers on what we he would create for a certain athlete, rock & roll star, family member (he never met) and love interest. While most know Chef Burke from his multiple appearances on Iron Chef and Top Chef, most are unaware that his culinary journey started as a Dishwasher. With passion, hard work, curiosity and courage, Burke’s adventures began to take flight — literally — across the Ocean. He has cooked in Norway for Prince Charles. He has been honored with Japan’s Nippon Award of Excellence. And he was the first in America to serve-up his infamous “clothesline bacon”. If you wanted to know which of his senses is his favorite, how fear has driven Chef Burke to stay “in the arena” or what David Burke wishes his last meal on earth would be…and who would cook it for him….this is the episode for you.

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