How Can You Build Trust?
All truth passes through three phases: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it’s violently opposed. Third, it’s accepted as being self-evident. This still-relevant 17th century quote by German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer bubbles up three lovable takeaways: 1. Embarking on something new will always be met with skepticism and friction. Even when things works out, in the […]
Your Business is a Nation
Your business is a nation. It is composed of citizens. It is made up of laws. It should shoulder a soul. Your brand is your flag, Telling the world what you stand for, Who you stand with, What you won’t tolerate. Your company has a language, Spoken from your Commander In Chief. Does their state-of-the-union […]
e-Chat with Eric Toda
Eric Toda is a courageous voice who is tired of the way things are in America. Eric is a fast friend, an activist and the Global Head of Social Marketing at Facebook. I asked him 6 questions below. 1. Eric, this has been just another brutal month in America. You were one of the first […]
Lawrence Fink’s Letter
Lawrence Fink doesn’t need good press. When you’re the CEO of Blackrock— a company managing $6 trillion in assets, your top motive is not to land on the front page of the NYT. So why would Fink send the following letter to all the CEOs in his portfolio? I don’t believe it’s a leadership call […]