Your business is a nation.
It is composed of citizens.
It is made up of laws.
It should shoulder a soul.

Your brand is your flag,
Telling the world what you stand for,
Who you stand with,
What you won’t tolerate.

Your company has a language,
Spoken from your Commander In Chief.
Does their state-of-the-union unite?
Or does it fall short and divide?

Your office has a currency.
That currency is belief.
Do people yearn to bank it?
We won’t buy anything,
If we don’t buy in.

Your business has a product,
And it’s not just what you sell.
Today, it’s what you say,
Then living it every day.

Your business is a nation.
It is composed of citizens.
It is made up of laws.
It should shoulder a soul.

If it doesn’t, your best citizens will leave.