We’ve all sat in those team meetings that wrap up the same way.

“Ok, it looks like we’re at time, what are the Next Steps?”

This usually results in collective silence or another 10-15 minutes recapping what was already discussed without a clear plan. When we create our Next Steps, we feel productive because we made a long list of things that need to be done but when it comes time to step into our steps, we think – how are we still stuck?

As you’ve most likely surmised, I’m over Next Steps. They just don’t work for me.

I’ve often found when making my own list of Next Steps list that I spin in a cycle of “what ifs” – What if budgets are cut? What if the idea isn’t approved? What if the competition responds with something new? What if… things change?

Many times, this creation of Next Steps is really a way for us to trick ourselves into procrastination away from a task that intimidates us. We feel overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done to achieve the goal and, as the list of Next Steps grows, so does those feelings of doubt inside of us. Can we really do this?

The result – Lack of Clarity. Feeling Overwhelmed. Fear of Failure.

Instead of “Next Steps”, we help partners put the focus on the “Now Step”.

This simple word change implies two key elements – priority & flexibility. Whether meeting with teams or individuals, a conversation to select the Now Step drives clarity of what needs to be done right now. It also creates the momentum we need to push a team down the path towards progress.

Think of it as mental physics. We need to activate our minds in a new direction to overcome our mental inertia and identifying the Now Step that gets things rolling. The Now Step counters our feelings of “overwhelm-ness” because it forces us to focus on the present moment and a specific task.

As a newly minted Associate Brand Manager, I remember my first meaningful task like it was yesterday. I was asked to create a monthly forecast of sales projections and I’ll always remember what my Supply Chain partner said in my first meeting with him. “Every forecast is wrong the minute after you create it.”

On a macro-level we all know that things will change, so taking the Now Steps creates a sense of flexibility into your plan. As you learn more information from that initial Now Step it will help you course correct your next Now Step. You won’t overthink or over analyze like you might do on a “Next Steps” conversation. Instead, you’re out of your gate and you can approach the tasks with a fluid, adaptable mindset to respond to the inevitable changes that will occur as they happen in real-time.

Think about a key project you’re working on right now where you might find yourself stuck or scared of how it will turn out.

Look at that long list of Next Steps you and your team created.

Take a deep breath.

Lock in just one Now Step.

Now, take it.