I am far from a Doctor. 

Yet, a lot of my work revolves around helping folks get their teams, their mindsets and their brands healthy. 

Something I haven’t talked about for a while?

Your Central Nervous System.

We all have one.

They are excellent systems designed to keep us safe. 

When was the last time you said “Central Nervous System” in a conversation?

How was your day honey? How is your Central Nervous System?

Oh, did you see the game last night? LeBron’s Central Nervous System is unbelievable!

The words “Central Nervous System” don’t exactly roll off the tongue. Yet, this is the driving system each of us unconsciously turns to for even the smallest of decisions. 

While I’m proud of myself for writing Return On Courage, what’s more notable is the process one can learn in the book to develop their Central Courage System.

Central Nervous Systems are hardwired to detect changes in our environment that could signal danger.

The human brain processes about 11 million bits of information per second. It’s safe to assume that thousands of threat assessments occur daily. Sure, that’s one muscle in your tool kit.  But it’s a bit like bench pressing every day without ever throwing in a leg day.

Developing a strong Central Courage System should be the yang to the Central Nervous System’s yin.

If you knew that 95% of the population were freeze or flight, wouldn’t you want to be in the 5% who knew how to fight?

You don’t have to hire Courageous or me to learn how to develop this system.

You can just snag the book here

Or, sure, you want to talk more about how we can help you/your team develop their Central Courage System? Hit me up here.

This is why I believe courage IS the ultimate competitive advantage for anyone who learns to unlock it.

It’s not pithy, cute language for the sake of it. 

It’s simply the difference between remaining in our way and unlocking what’s possible. 

Stay Courageous!