New Offering? Cover and Move.
New Messaging? The Four P’s of advocacy.
New Offering: Companies use their elastic purpose to blaze new proactive offerings that keep them speeding forward. Cover your current products or services while you’re working on moving toward your next revenue stream or innovation. Activate your ETF to evolve or transform your company, and courageously set out to become the industry fear.
New Messaging: There are more ways than ever for people to block you. Noise is at an all-time high while consumer attention spans are at a staggering all-time low. In a media-obese, ad-blocking world where many prefer to hear from friends, coworkers, and loved ones, executing for advocacy is the critical difference. The four P’s of advocacy successfully help your meaningful message break through:
Point of View: Market your singular unapologetic brand creature, not your plethora of product features.
Precision: Execute with excellence. Thought leadership is nothing without do leadership.
Passion: Rational tells; irrational sells—a “rational tell” only justifies a passionate purchase.
Promoters: Plant your ideas and narrowcast to believing influencers who, in turn, broadcast to the rest on your behalf.