Creativity in Business

What business am I in?—I’m in the creative-business business. Sadly, many business leaders don’t grasp how transformational creativity can be to their bottom line, while most creatives don’t have an understanding about how their special sauce can drastically impact business results. When it comes to creativity itself, I am on the record as suggesting, “courageous […]
Fear of Innovation in Business

In a 2015 U.S. Innovation study by the management consulting company Accenture, American executives and managers were asked about their companies’ attitudes toward innovation. Sixty percent agreed or strongly agreed that their organization struggled to learn from past mistakes. More than 70 percent agreed or strongly agreed that opportunities to harness underdeveloped areas died because […]
The Three Little Bigs

Once upon a time, there were the 3 Little Bigs—Big, Bigger and Biggest. This toxic trio were known to wreak havoc all across indecisive business kingdoms far and wide. First there was Big—better know as Inefficient. Big can be spotted festering in most office settings. As new models evolve, Big does no such thing. Thus […]
Creativity When We Need It Most

Captain Obvious walked into a bar and said the understatement of our short decade: “Thanks to COVID-19, the world as we knew it has forever changed.” Usually, when I’m soap-boxing about change, I’m on the record stating you don’t get a vote: change happens whether you like it or not. Either you’re driving that change […]