It’s Not-So-Simply Black & White…
Unconscious bias is real. Perhaps that’s a Captain Obvious thing to suggest right now, coming off a month of passionate protests and a few years of watching the Divided States of America. Almost 20 years ago Rodney King spouted, “can’t we all just get along.” And here we are today still trying to understand one […]
Cheerleadership Creates Fake Believers
Imagine for a second that your boss is miles away from the day-to-day. A sufferer of Corner Office Syndrome, he or she continues to make command decisions without consulting the team. The decisions are astounding to you and you start to question these far-off choices. Now, your attention isn’t on doing the right thing for […]
Courage in Business: How Companies Can Get Their Courage Back
I’m lucky. I have a troop of buddies from my New York City days that, thanks to technology, remain the closest of friends today. I’ll admit that the way we operate, there’s a lot of text chains, a lot of ribbing and a lot of laughs. My buddies and I used to text this one […]
Is Fear Running Your Business? Good!
Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. Threats. (SWOT) For over 6 decades, SWOT has been the go-to standard most businesses have utilized for annual planning. But with all due respect to SWOT creator Albert Humphrey, every time I now use SWOT to assess what is and isn’t working in my business, I found that my “weaknesses” also ended […]
Creativity When We Need It Most
Captain Obvious walked into a bar and said the understatement of our short decade: “Thanks to COVID-19, the world as we knew it has forever changed.” Usually, when I’m soap-boxing about change, I’m on the record stating you don’t get a vote: change happens whether you like it or not. Either you’re driving that change […]
The Dawn of the Business Apocalypse
Fifty-two percent of the Fortune 500 companies from the year 2000 are now extinct. That’s not a typo. In less than two decades, more than half of the brands that were on the Fortune 500 list in 2000 no longer exist. Fifty years ago, the life expectancy of a Fortune 500 brand was 75 years; […]
Return on Courage Helps Companies Maximize Their Return on Investment
Most businesses are properly focused on return on investment. Courage Brands have a high Return on Courage. How can you recognize when your brand is moving down the right path to delivering a Return on Courage? HERE ARE FIVE KEY RETURN ON COURAGE MOMENTS: 1. COMMUNICATION: Lead with your company’s values By doing the hard […]
The P.R.I.C.E. of Creating Your Central Courage System
We all have a central nervous system. It’s evolutionary and human nature. What we never developed was a way to combat that hard-wired “designed for safe” system. I never intended to deliver a book that did just that. After 1,000 days of looking under the hoods of some of our most relevant organizations such as […]
Three Keys to Unlock Courage in Business
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Four Principles of Courage
To achieve courage, you must be knowledgeable, have faith, and take action. This new definition of courage leads us to our working definition of a Courage Brand: A Courage Brand willingly addresses its business fears by gathering enough knowledge, building faith, and taking swift action. When senior management teams adopt this new approach to courage, […]