Reading this post?

Then it’s confirmed:

You have big things to do.

You do.

Perhaps you haven’t figured out what flag you want to fly quite yet. Or maybe you know the exact metaphorical mountain you crave to climb but that first step seems so daunting, that you find yourself regularly looking up at that monstrosity — over and over again. You are so horrified by the harrowing realities of “tackling the hill” that there’s no movement… no first step…therefore, no hill! Only paralysis. And you’re feeling frustrated.

That’s ok.

Let’s tackle this together.

Want to be All In?

It starts by being smALL in.

In order to do so, you need to know what you want to be ALL in on.

Started differently:

Before you walk the walk, you first need to talk out your talk.

Talk out your purpose. Clarify (literally… write it out) where you want to go. That level of clarity means you have an idea of what might be your final destination. Knowing this is a huge feat in itself.

Now comes the next part:

Walking that talk.

If you have clarity on your happy ending…

Then it’s time to get to it at the beginning.

AKA…the starter steps of the journey.

A little under a year ago, my Action Team partner Nicole Miller wrote this gem about hunting down the discomfort of “being a beginner”. Starting small often doesn’t get started at all because we’re so afraid of taking that first new step. We speculate in our heads how hard the journey will be and so paralysis wins out and we don’t muster the courage to even begin.

For me, I’ve felt this harrowing feeling many times in the last 5 years:

How do you start a podcast?

How do you write a memoir?

How do you pivot your company?

How do you compel with a keynote?

How do you ink a weekly newsletter?

Think about all of the possible mental barriers that I’ve had to navigate just to be “Small In” on something I wanted to be “all in” on. Think about the conversations in my very own mind I’ve had to overcome. In the past, I have said to myself…

Is this worth it? Who is really going to read my stuff?

Am I creating ammunition for those haters out there?

Am I qualified to give commentary on the concept of courage?

It’s a serious battle of You vs You!

I’ve not only been the protagonist of my life but also my greatest enemy, talking myself in and out of the very things I want to achieve.

I’m now 5 years in on the mountain I’ve chosen to climb. I’m even more fascinated by the topic of courage today than I was when I “started small” a half decade ago on this adventure! Since I see this all as an experiment, I’ve been amazed to discover all the unique applications where courage is needed:

• Courageous Leaders

• Courageous Teams

• Courageous Conversations

• Courageous Cultures

• Courageous Ideas

• Courageous Reinvention

• Courageous Transformation

As I think about my mountain of choice, I am reminded of an Eddie Cantor quote:

When I review those debilitating questions that almost held me back, now, I have the answers that come from going on the journey:

Is this worth it? Who is really going to read my stuff?

You are! And I truly hope there’s a nugget or two that’s helping you as you need it on your work/life adventure. Also, I am reading my stuff as writing is my way of learning. Just like I asked you above to write out your purpose, writing helps me get clear on new concepts. Finally, a decade from now, I hope my kids read my stuff. I am creating a panoply of assets. Consider this their Goonies treasure map that will help them (if they so choose) go on their own courageous adventure.

Am I creating ammunition for those haters out there?

Today? I care less about the haters. I’m focused on those who are willing to stretch, push and go for it. Last week I wrote about how I fight for the 5%. That’s my squad. Those 17 million Americans (5% of the US population) are my focus. In the spirit of “you get what you focus on”, I’m striving to design a life where I’m surrounded by this willing, growing and open-minded tribe.

Am I qualified to give commentary on the concept of courage?

After doing 1000 days of research for Return On Courage and hosting 160 intimate conversations with guests on The Courageous Podcast, I’d say the way to get qualified is by continuing to put myself in the “Zoom where it happens”. It is not about me; but about sharing what I’ve learned from the Eric Ryan’s, Landon Donovan’s, Jaelin Kauffs, Bennie Fowlers, and Kirk Souder’s of the world.

In the spirt of giving you what you need to get going, let’s review:

• Talk out your talk. What’s the end game? Pick your metaphorical mountain. Write out your purpose. Clarity the destination.

• Start Walking That Talk. Be a beginner. Be smALL in. Stay curious. Experiment. Focus on the right starter steps; block out the rest. Start working your way up that hill. Give yourself grace and space that it will take time.

• Bonus Nugget: State It & Create It. I’ve shared a number of messy WIP ideas on social media that instantly became more real the moment I had done so. It wasn’t just an idea anymore ponging around in my mind once I “Stated It” in a public forum. And it forced my hand (in the right way) and nudged me closer up my mountain.

And remember…

Reading this post?

Then it’s confirmed:

You have big things to do.

You do.

Want to be All In?

It starts by being smALL in.