How Valuable Are Your Values?

Courageous Leaders, Are your values being tested right now? If you’re like most, then YES! If you haven’t considered your corporate values once during this critical decision making period—it begs the question: How Valuable Are Your Values? If you are a leader, then this is a trying time. This is the time to make sure […]
Ten Business Haiku Poems

Now another edition of Business Haiku. Below are 10 Business Haiku poems that can nudge you (and your team) through the corporate week. These were fun to ink. Enjoy! 10. Cheer leader leaders? It’s nothing to cheer about. Steer clear and beware. High producers want the truth. So don’t be afraid to give it to […]
The Three Little Bigs

Once upon a time, there were the 3 Little Bigs—Big, Bigger and Biggest. This toxic trio were known to wreak havoc all across indecisive business kingdoms far and wide. First there was Big—better know as Inefficient. Big can be spotted festering in most office settings. As new models evolve, Big does no such thing. Thus […]